NOT Non-Fungible Tokens you crypto maniac. I mean the Linux packet-filter/firewall nftables.
Following is a cheatsheet, code snippets, whatever you want to call it for nft.


# systemctl enable nftables
# systemctl start nftables
# systemctl status nftables

Inbound rule template

flush ruleset
table inet filter {
    chain input {
        type filter hook input priority 0; policy drop;

        # keep related+established;
        # drop invalid
        ct state vmap {
            established: accept,
            related: accept,
            invalid: drop

        # always accept loopback
        iifname lo accept

        # allow incoming on port 22,80,443
        tcp dport { 22, 80, 443 } accept;
    chain forward {
        # can be 'policy drop;' in most cases
        type filter hook forward priority 0;
    chain output {
        type filter hook output priority 0;